About Us
Our Approach
We have defined our mission to deliver professional competent financial services related to our core competency of management accountancy. We will ensure your financial systems are in control and your reporting is accurate, relevant and delivers management insight into your operations.
We do so in an approachable way to partner with our clients for mutual success.
We get to know both our clients’ businesses and our clients themselves. While working within the confidentiality requirements necessary to our work, we work with our clients in an open and communicative process to deliver on our contract with you. We understand that providing professional services successfully requires building a solid trusting relationship.
The size of our client organizations range from small one person startups to larger size Bermuda and international companies. We are a small group ourselves and will only accept engagements when we have the capacity and abilities to attain our clients’ expectations.
Fairway has seen many changes over the past 35 years. We started out small in 1980 providing serviced office facilities and accountancy services packages to a then nascent international business community in Bermuda. As international business developed into one of the two pillars of the Bermuda economy our firm grew in size to more than 20 staff in a number of locations. With time, however, we have scaled back to a present size of 7 full time staff and additional consultants on contract as needed.
Over the years we have worked with clients in a wide variety of industries, both international and local Bermuda based. While many of our staff have changed over the years, we have a number that have worked with Fairway for more than 10 years. Our two longest serving staff members have worked for Fairway since 1980 and 1987 – over 60 years of cumulative experience.